Raising an ADHD child requires special parenting techniques. You shouldn’t expect a child with ADHD to behave normally or follow household rules because some types or severities of their ADHD symptoms will affect their behavior. It can be frustrating to cope with some behaviors, but there are ways to make life easier.
1. Create a Routine
For children with ADHD, it is important to create a daily routine. It helps them focus and know what’s coming next. It also gives parents a tool to enforce rules and keeps kids from getting overwhelmed with so much going on.
2. Set Limits and Boundaries
Although ADHD kids can be a handful, they need to know boundaries and limits. Stay calm when setting them. Don’t shout or punish your child when they don’t obey your rules because it can worsen the situation. It is better to be strict and give a positive message for compliance rather than handing out sentences.
3. Break Tasks into Manageable Pieces
It takes less time to do things in small doses. ADHD kids have problems sitting still, so breaking big tasks into smaller pieces is best. For example, if your child’s homework takes one hour to complete, have them do a page or two every 15 minutes.
4. Organize Your Child’s Life
Children with ADHD need to be engaged in structured activity or routine. They should be involved in at least one sport or club. It is also important to limit the number of activities in which they are involved to one or two. This also helps parents, as juggling responsibilities for after-school activities is easier for them when they don’t have to manage many schedules.
5. Regulate Sleep Patterns
Children with ADHD can have problems regulating their sleeping patterns. They might sleep for long hours during the day and have trouble sleeping at night. It is best to have a routine during the week when the child has to get up and go to school, but during the weekend, it is okay to play around with their schedule.
6. Encourage Out-Loud Thinking
Children with ADHD have difficulty focusing, so they often have trouble organizing their thoughts and ideas. They say things without thinking about the consequences, leading to conflict. Parents must teach their children to think about the consequences of their actions before speaking. Instead of getting mad, try asking your child to repeat what they said so that they can think about it.
7. Promote Wait Time
Children with ADHD have a hard time waiting for anything, be it for five minutes or five seconds. Instead of telling them to wait, let them know that you understand that waiting is hard, but you need them to wait for a few minutes. After a few minutes have passed, explain why you needed them to wait.
Raising a child with ADHD can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. If you know the signs to look for and are patient, you can provide your child with the help they need.
Amodeus Healthcare is composed of advanced nurse practitioners who know that life stressors can get in the way, along with life demands. We created Amodeus with our clients in mind. We offer you an easier solution through our medical and psychiatric services. If you’re looking for ADHD treatment services in Londonderry, NH, we’ve got you covered. Get in touch with us today!